Why Is Silver so Sluggish?
Precious Metals Commentary (week ending 28th JuneĀ 2019)
Read the full report by ABC Bullion's John Feeney and Bron SucheckiĀ here.
Precious Metals Commentary (week ending 28th JuneĀ 2019)
We have had a wild week at ABC Bullion with a big uptick in trading as gold broke through $1,400, with AUD gold reaching $2,063 before a not unreasonable consolidation back to $2,012. However, what is up with silver? It has only risen 12% since the metals bottomed in 2015 when gold is up a healthy 34%. This week, we focus on silver:
Read the full report by ABC Bullion's John Feeney and Bron SucheckiĀ here.