The Lexus Melbourne Cup is the most legendary and beloved trophy in Australian Sport. This year marks the 160th Melbourne Cup. For another consecutive year, we are keeping the tradition alive and bringing the community together on November 3.
This year has proven one of the most challenging yet. More than ever it is important to hold on to the familiar, to our traditions. The Lexus 2020 Melbourne Cup is a beacon of resilience when faced with hardship and adversity.
The gold in this year’s trophy is sourced from Kirkland Lakes Fosterville Mine in Victoria. The first time in Australian history the gold for the Melbourne Cup is supplied from Victoria.
From the mining and refining of the gold to the spinners and goldsmiths involved in its final construction, the Melbourne Cup has been produced locally from start to finish taking over 250 hours. The winning trophy contains 1.65kg of 18ct Gold estimated at over $200,000.
As an Australian company with a rich heritage in locally sourced and produced precious metals, ABC Bullion is delighted to partner with the Victoria Racing Club once again for this special event on the international racing calendar.
VRC Chief Executive Simon Love said that the Melbourne Cup trophy has a long and proud history, as does the race itself, so the tender process to appoint the next manufacturer was taken very seriously.
“Pallion and ABC Bullion had a vision to partner with Australia’s premier racing brand and presented an exciting commercial proposition to the VRC. We are looking forward to working with ABC Bullion moving forward.”
This year’s Melbourne Cup trophy is especially significant because it represents the 160th Melbourne Cup.